Rosa María Díes
Artist Statement
My art subject matter comes from my imagination. The primary theme of my work is women but I also make landscapes, still lives and abstracts.
I am always in search of new forms and textures to use in my work. Color is very important. My pieces are rich in color. Organic forms and nature are frequently present in one form or another.
I like to make mixed media works combining printmaking, painting and collage.
For my monoprints I start from a collagraph plate that I prepare from a drawing. To print I often do a combination of intaglio and relief printing using a variety of ink viscosities. I always hand pull my own prints in my studio. After the image is transferred to the paper I work on the image adding inks and watercolors to make each one a unique piece of art.
The whole process is time consuming and requires patience in every step but for me it’s relaxing and very enjoyable. I love to see the result of my labor after many hours of work.

Rosa María was born in Mexico City (Mexico) of Spanish parents. She is a Biology graduate from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
She became interested in drawing at an early age and received tutoring from Arturo Souto and other Spanish artists then living in Mexico. Her first professional work as an artist was the illustration of a reference book on Mexican tropical trees that was sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
In 1972 she moved with her family to San Luis Potosi, Mexico. She joined the Experimental Painting Workshop of the Instituto Potosino de Bellas Artes. There she started experimenting with different media.
In 1982 Rosa María moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, with her husband and two sons.
Since 1983 she has been working intensely with different printing methods. Currently most of her works are mixed media, monoprints and monotypes. She prints her work in her own studio.
She has participated often in collective and solo exhibits both in Mexico and the United States, as well as in many juried art exhibitions where her work has been recognized often with awards. Many of her works are owned by private collectors in Mexico, France, Spain and the United States.